Monday, 20 November 2017

Some Important Details about Tender Categorization and the E-Tendering Process

Before you place a bid for a tender, the first thing that you must evaluate is the project for which the tender has been floated. While bidding for a tender, you must ensure that the project is related to the services provided or products supplied by your company. Say, for instance, if your company is involved with supply management, then you should bid for tenders for projects that are related to supply of equipment, machinery, laboratory items, and other such products.

Tender Categorization and E-tendering

If you visit a website providing details about various tenders, you will find that the tenders have been categorized based on the industry to which the project is related. You can check out tenders related to Construction, Service Sector, IT and Telecommunications, Electrical, Scientific Instruments, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Furniture, Paper Printing, Security, Machinery and Tools, Drugs and Pharmaceutical industries on the website, and bid for suitable tenders from the online platform itself. Tenders are also categorized based on the location of the projects like global tenders for drilling rigs or tenders for projects located in particular state in India. Thus, it is essential to evaluate all aspects of the project before bidding for a tender related to it. When you bid for a tender, it is advisable that you also check out and understand the e-tendering process.
Understanding E-tendering
Tenders that have been floated by Public Sector Units (PSUs) or the central or state government are usually the most sought after, primarily because of the easy availability of fund. You can bid for most government tenders online and while doing so, you must take into consideration the following points:
· E-tendering has made it easier for the supplier to evaluate and understand all aspects of the projects that he wishes to bid for. You can read the tender details from the website and easily access information like the last date for the submission of tender documents, types of documents to be submitted with the bid, and tender value.
· The tender documents cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties. The online platform will ensure that only registered clients can access the tender documents. Maintaining absolute security is an important part of e-tendering.
· The management of companies floating the tenders can also check out details of the supplier through a secure medium.
· The electronic system of tendering has made the entire process of evaluating tenders and bidding for the same more efficient.
· You can download all documents associated with the tender directly from the website to evaluate. These documents are usually in the form of attachments which can be downloaded from the website.
· You can also make the requisite payments directly from the online platform.
Thus, e-tendering has not only made the process of evaluating tenders easier but also made it simpler for the bidder to place bids and make payments for the respective tenders. It has also made the entire process right from floating tenders to placing bids transparent.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Basic Requirements & Advantages of Open Tendering

Among the various types of tendering, open tendering is one of the most preferred methods used for obtaining services, goods and infrastructural facilities. The basic requirements of open tendering are that they should:

  • Be open to all interested and qualified bidders
  • Be publicized locally as well as internationally if required
  • Have objective qualification standards
  • Have unbiased and precise technical specifications
  • Have detailed objective evaluation criteria
  • Be given to the lowest cost provider minus contract negotiations

It is believed that this procurement method nurtures effective competition, is worth the cost and is ideal for the procurement of simple goods. Open tendering is a one-stage bidding procedure where all those who are interested and are responding to contract notice, will be invited to submit a tender.  
 Mentioned below are some of the advantages that open tendering offers:

  • The key advantage of open tendering is that no partiality exists here as everyone is invited to apply for the tender.
  • Another advantage of open tendering is that you can find high competition in pricing.
  • This tendering process allows new firms to enter the market.
  • There are increased opportunities for employments.
  • This tendering process encourages new experience and new technology.
  • It allows the contractors to grow while enabling them to get new clients

Now, if you are interested in applying for the open tender, you will have to make sure that your company is registered on the database of the firm whose tender you are bidding for. Once you have registered your company, the next step will be to prepare your company for securing the contract. Keep in mind that there is no point in applying for a tender if your company does not have the expertise and experience to take up and complete the work. Therefore, ensure that your company is well-aware of the work involved and offers a competitive price package that fits in perfectly. Another thing that you should consider is that tenders are awarded on the basis of price as well as preference. So, companies with good track records usually have the highest chances of winning the bid.